Texas, You And Climate Change: The Truth.

6 min readSep 1, 2017

“It Is Best To Detect Issues Before They Become Problems” — Al Gore

No, matter how well alarmed you are by what’s going on or you’ve been living under a rock the obvious catastrophe the U.S. has experienced with “Hurricane Harvey” not only on the financial level but in the death toll rise, homeless people and animals drowning in water has been disastrous!

I haven’t been proactive in climate change yet heard through literature, books, movies and recently a dream I had that was shocking in itself. It started out with visiting a place not sure where I was, a janitor had keys to a building and told me “hey follow me this way” so I followed him and he led me to multiple open doors (he held the keys) as i entered I said Holy Moly! What in the world? I see many hurt people bandaged in hospital beds and a giant cross as you enter the facility. Now that I think about it… it wasn’t a hospital but a rescue center of some sort.

Not sure why I was there.

It’s as if I was called to that place. Out of the sudden I see a guy I liked from my past calming down his girlfriend who was crying and was in a hospital bed. I said what’s wrong? (Of course to myself not out-loud) and she was really upset. He asked me to leave and I said ok cool no problem. Then I see makeup for $27 in another room and I was going to buy it but then said Eh! I don’t really need it plus it’s too expensive and the quality is cheap. It’s not a Chanel or Nars and didn’t come here to shop but for a greater reason. (What In The World Laura?!)

And then I dream of Al Gore!

He was educating us on global warming / climate change and how it impacts the ocean, animals our lives etc… We sat on the sand (students) and watch him speak in the blue-turquoise ocean waters. Seals and fishes were swimming. They seemed to be having a good time. I can’t remember in full detail what he was saying but he pointed to the water and mountains.

I woke up and said Al Gore? Why? So I GOOGLE him and see “The Washington Times” wrote an article on his recent book “Truth To Power” and how a competitor also wrote an e-book with more reviews click here to see…

What I discovered was there was a comparison between both books and how Al Gore’s competitor used no money on advertising and received the most reviews. Meaning his book was better.

Doesn’t mean it’s the truth though…

When it comes to branding and marketing products, you need to be creative especially when not having resources such as money.

“It’s not who has the most money, it’s who is the most fascinating” (click to tweet)

Indeed we can have poisoned oceans and at least four feet of sea-level rise. One third of the major cities on the coast (San Pedro for example) not to mention it’s power plant, ports, farmlands, fisheries and those above ten feet will flood easily. To know where I live in (Port Town) and witness such a calamity would rock our world!

The purpose of this blog is to spread awareness and not shame on irresponsibility and believe that is exactly what my dream was trying to tell me as I don’t have normal dreams but prophecies.

In the month of August I had wrote a blog on the energies and what to expect. dates that were given to me to write on and so I did with the intention to spread awareness once again…

You can read it here (Science data on planets)

Many of those dates came to pass as predicted

And they are based on planetary energies. Aug 15th near or around those dates (pluto) which is death, secrets and transformation would be in your house area and we were asked to make sure our pipes are safely tighten, lighting fixtures are in place etc… anything to do with the home as it effects the underworld of excavation.

Digging deep!

Lo and behold that is what happened to my bathroom! The pipes broke and flooded my whole bathroom. Not only my place but my neighbors as well! Called a plumber and not one, two but three plumbers were excavating, digging holes and my bathroom was a mess! Toilet was yanked out and I just couldn’t be home as the smell of wood was very potent and was not about to start sneezing!

I’m happy now that it’s over and have new copper pipes and silver shiny handles. A new bathroom! :) If your into feng-shui you know tight pipes and no water dripping means money! Dripping water is no bueno! That means your losing money and it so happens to be in my bathroom which is my wealth area!

(Yes I’m feng-shui obsessed!) ❤

The dates are not exact for everyone however what happened with Hurricane Harvey is definitely either not enough information or not following the rules with oil companies (refineries) Something had to break or pop that made it rise in the air to create a Hurricane and make the climate change. You heard it from me! :)

Now that we have that exposed.

And how it’s necessary for oil companies to take action on fossil fuels which you can read here.

We need to take action on fossil fuels which is informative and you can read here (shared by Elon Musk on twitter)

Fossil Fuels are not only expensive but harmful to our environment. There’s been many reported cases of asthma sufferers in our city of San Pedro. Thank God my family or I don’t have it however it saddens me to see kids having to use an inhaler when I’m shopping at Target or near a Starbucks.

Science Data:

Did you know Texas was founded on Dec 29, 1845 (A Capricorn) on a new moon in Capricorn and Saturn was conjunct Neptune at exact timing?

You may say what’s all that? Please! do explain! Ok I will!

Capricorn is a business sign explains the oil refineries. Everything in Texas is BIG including their wealth. New moons are beginnings a time of manifesting new ideas, businesses and it’s in the business sign of Capricorn! (Once again!) So we have a double Cappy! That’s a whole lot of Money and Hard Work!

(Texas will make it!)

Saturn Conjunct Neptune is tricky

For Texas as Saturn rules regulations, standards, rules, a, b, c, d, in that order no shortcuts, it’s the teacher which teaches karma and doing the right thing. Nobody likes Saturn and saturn knows it but it’s here teach us lessons as it pumps the breaks on anything that is not aligned. Neptune the sirens is ruled by Pisces. It’s imaginative, creative, somewhat secretive, pie in the sky, la la land, naive, illusion, confusion, spirituality and dreams. When it’s in conjunct (joined together) Saturn can be too dogmatic and opportunities may be lost through excessive evaluation and lack of decisiveness. The fear of the unknown (neptune) and will act as restricted.

Saturn builds on structure which allows little space for the Neptunian influence to be expressed as it is more visionary. The outcome that can come is a sense of confusion regarding your own personal limitations where they begin to feel like your in jail and Neptune stirs to dissolve those barriers.

And so we have Saturn wearing the pants and Neptune wanting to dream and create a new world. The underworld? Who knows! However there is not much stability in this partnership. One will not compromise the other feels it and does the opposite. No rules what-so-ever!

Rules are not everyone’s forte even for myself yet there are some important rules when it comes to business that will make an impact in the world. The safety of people, the environment, jobs, weather, animals etc…

Shouldn’t we live in a healthy, wealthy world without worrying what the rich oil companies are ignoring? We’re not blind. We’re fully aware.

Let’s take pro-action and change the world for a safer cleaner environment without the expense of humanity and animals lifeblood.

So the big takeaway is making big oil companies take responsibility and eliminate fossil fuels that will make a greater difference economy wise as they are expensive and a cleaner environment for our families. (Just One Idea!)

This is just the beginning I will be more involved with climate change, the environment and how we can all improve a better world as in our town San Pedro we are already implementing a Green Environment.

Sharing is fascinating, if you found value share away! ❤

Laura Ramos / Branding Fascinista




Astrologer, Influencer, ASTRO Branding & Marketing , Harvard Neuroscientist Life Coach, Bilingual Spanish Podcaster, Storyteller, Blogger, Philantropist 🌟