How Innovation Made Me Fearless

4 min readAug 3, 2017

It’s been quite a week! I haven’t been active writing blogs and missed it as it’s when my creativity thrives🙂 Stumbled upon this quote and have heard of it before and oh so true!!

Been focused in Innovation and you can’t get more real than this.

Are you falling into the same mundane situations?

Does everything remain the same?

Are you living in your comfort zone?

What changes are you applying in your life to prevent same situations happening?

Growth is something we need to pursue as it means we are no longer what we were 10, 20 years ago!

Life is interesting. It challenges us to think outside the box and will tests us along the way. Whenever, I see patterns of same situations I question myself

“Have We learned anything?”

Why do we attract the same type of people? Same career? Proud to say I have definitely changed and not saying I will not be tested as I move on in life but what I realized is No! I am not attracting the same type of people or same career. I have many tastes to experience.

Like bees to honey

Think of it like food. Yes I am a foodie🙂 Raised eating mexican food, american food and as I grew my enjoyment for different delicacies attracted Indian,Chinese,Japanese,Korean etc… I still have to try “escargot”. Met a woman at a wine festival in Las Vegas a couple years ago and she said I should try it with a dash of lemon. She peeked my interest to say the least🙂

Innovation is definitely a game changer in your business! It’s the “Observe the masses and do the opposite”. It’s in I can’t see what’s up ahead but I’m still going through! It’s not in having a tunnel vision and being headstrong and stubborn to not be open to other areas. If you fail you fail if you win you win! I don’t believe in failures but in lessons.

There are things I’m fearful such as mountain lions and have butterflies jumping out a plane which is in my bucket-list of things to do to skydive! However when it comes to business I’m all game! Safe loses and risk wins! I’ve made unwise decisions however that’s what life is about learning from your falls. Now I have self-awareness which is KEY in business! If there’s one nugget you need to know in business it’s not money, leading, influencing (which are all great however) it’s


This is why I speak of it a lot!

It’s been said to surround yourself with influential people in order for you to become one.

As a successful Entrepreneur you need to have the ability to be an effective communicator and know which are your strengths and weaknesses. We all got them! :)

Are you inspiring high performance?

Are you learning to work as a team player?

You will work with several different personalities that’s a given… and as you learn new skills you will be seen as someone people want to learn from and this is where FASCINATION changes the game! :)

As I focus on the present and where I’m headed (visioning it) I also look back at my triumphs, successes, dedication and bring that energy into what I am creating now.

I’m rich in knowledge and student for life — Laura Ramos

There is no room to think of failures but what I do realize is to learn from the lessons. I would not met awesome Leaders and be stronger and educated now. If all you have is money but no purpose your not growing and personally I am content and say it with confidence that I am in a much better place because of it.

I’ve learned what works and what doesn’t. I’ve put my name out there in my community, stepped out of my comfort zone etc… and it lead to connecting with others.

I will continue to step up my Leadership skills, learn a new language, step out of my comfort zone, pursue my dreams and think BIG! It’s our birthright to be great and not be mediocre. Live a life worth living friends🙂

To Leadership!

Laura Ramos

Sharing is sexy. Share if you enjoyed :)

Originally published at on February 17, 2014.




Astrologer, Influencer, ASTRO Branding & Marketing , Harvard Neuroscientist Life Coach, Bilingual Spanish Podcaster, Storyteller, Blogger, Philantropist 🌟